IEI-Executive Committee for 2016-17 met the Indian Ambassador H.E. Shri Sunil Jain

The Institution of Engineers (India), IEI- Kuwait Chapter's newly elected executive committee members visited Indian Ambassador H.E. Sh Sunil Jain at Indian Embassy, Kuwait. Delegation was led by newly elected Chairman Dr. Abdul Razzak Rumane on 9th June 2016 at 3.30 PM.

Dr Rumane introduced the elected General Secretary Engr. Rishabh Nath Jain, Treasurer Engr. Sam Ananth Kumar, Ex-officio General Secretary Engr Mahindran, Members Engr. Abdul Razzak Patel, Engr. Anu Kurian, Engr. Ashok Kumar, Engr. AVDK Ravishankar, Engr. Karthikeyan, Engr. Mohandass Kamath, Engr. Ramana, Engr. Sudhir, Engr Thomas and Auditor Engr. Ilangovan to IEI Patron, His Excellency the Ambassador of India to Kuwait. He also thanked the Ambassador for Indian Embassy support in conducting AMIE examinations in Kuwait which provide career enrichment opportunity to many engineers working in Kuwait.
Engr. Rishabh, General Secretary briefed about the chapter's history and its activities and functions of various committees. The Ambassador promised his personal support and of the Indian Embassy to IEI Kuwait Chapter.
Please find the attached photograph which was with the smiling, compassionate H.E. Shri Sunil Jain, the Indian Ambassador to the State of Kuwait.



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