Gala Family Day 2016

It was a day to chreish.A day that will linger in the memory of our members for years to come.The lush green Khiran Resort with its wonderful ambience was the venue of this year's Family day get together.

IEI Kuwait Chapter members with their family enjoyed the day at the Khiran resort with lot of fun and frolic.The events lasted from 9 am till 6 pm. Lot of delicious food, lot of games for Children and adults, live music with DJ, lot of prizes, and above all the warmth, love and togetherness of IEI Kuwait Chapter members and their family. A Day all members can cherish and remember.

It provided an oppurtunity for the members to unwind from their mundane daily routine and to relieve their stress.It was also a day to network, The event included a presentation on financial palnning and wealth management a presentation by Mr.Sunith Arora of Nexus FInanical Services.

An exhibition of rare artifacts by Eng.Joseph Panicker kept the members in awe.A grand raffle draw prize of Holiday package for 2nights by Sterling Holidays was one of the highlight of the event

Those members who missed the event don't worry.Keep watching this space and be part of IEI Kuwait Chapter in all its future events.

Please find photos of this event in the following link


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